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Dark Sky Lights

Dark Sky Lights 

Light pollution is currently growing at a far faster rate than the world population, and research shows that dark sky lights are increasingly important to stop this harmful trend. Dark sky lights are the result of the dark-sky movement, a campaign to cut down on light pollution.

Dark Sky Lights  For Sale In Houston

Dark Sky Lights  Company In Houston


The many advantages of the movement includes that more stars become visible at night. The adverse effects of unnatural lighting on the environment then reduces. Which includes a cutback on energy usage. The use of dark sky lights benefits any community by helping to diminish the effects of light pollution.

Another important purpose of dark sky lights is to prevent “disability glare.” Poorly designed roadway lighting produces this glare, which most commonly affects older drivers. The ability of the eyes to adjust quickly to changing levels of illumination which diminishes among the elderly.

The History

Astronomers have been involved with the revelation of the need for dark sky lights. In 2012, astronomers had a hand in influencing the governor of Arizona to veto a bill which would have reversed a ban on illuminated billboards. In the study of scotobiology, the study of darkness, researchers have found that light pollution harms nocturnal animals, which need uninterrupted darkness at night. Human circadian rhythms, which affect sleep cycles, also an interruption by light pollution.

The Goals

The chief goals of the dark-sky movement which is achievable with the use of dark sky lights are the following:

  •  Using fixtures in public areas which do not send light upward.
  • To encourage communities to adopt regulations which help to prevent light pollution.
  • Also to encourage the use of fixtures that have full-cutoff mode.
Dark Sky Lights Sold by Houston Company

Dark Sky Lights Sold In Houston

The promotion of quality outdoor lighting is the best way to restore the natural night environment. The International Dark-Sky Association (IDA), formed in 1988, has developed a program for recognizing which fixtures qualify as dark sky lights. The Fixture Seal of Approval (FSA) program identifies which fixtures are dark sky friendly.

Qualities of FSA dark sky lights include light fixtures:

  • Minimize glare
  • Do not pollute the night sky
  • Reduce light trespass
  • Are Shielding completely
  • Do not emit luminous output above 90 degrees in the vertical plane

Light Trespass?

Light trespass is when lighting falls where it is not wanted, needed, or intended. Glare is extreme brightness which causes visual discomfort. At high levels, glare can decrease visibility. Clutter is when there is a confusing, bright, excessive grouping of light sources, such as commonly occurs in urban areas. This type of clutter contributes to glare, trespass, and urban sky glow. It is one of the problems that can be almost dimisnish with the use of dark sky lights.

Flag Pole Beacons

One type of dark sky lights are flag pole beacons. These fixtures provide the most environmentally friendly method of illuminating flagpoles at night. With this beacon, flags can be well lit at night . This causes any light trespass and without contributing to light that is reflected onto the night sky.

Contact Our Team

Dark sky lights are available in many designs, and all fixtures designated as FSA are dark sky friendly. Reach our professionals at 1-800-828-0302. You can also fill out our Contact Form Here, or simply send and Email Here!

Mel Northey Co. Inc.
303 Gulf Bank Road Houston. 77037-2499